About Me

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The box is too small to respond to this but I will share this, I ROCK and I LOVE LIFE AND ESPECIALLY ME! I love...my family, people, CHESS, dogs, shopping, JEANS & t-shirts, COWBOY BOOTS and learning. I love PLAYS, WRITING poetry as well as listening/watching spoken word performances. Performed for the 1st time at Rider's first On Fire debut!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I Write Because...

Mali's Mind is Motivated

I write because...I am happily addicted to my alphabet melody... my mind's remedy... my sanity's outlet...my serenity.  Do see, it's my close encounter with l e t t e r e d therapy...& it's mine...
M i n e

I write because I love to... Write because I have a right to...w r i t e any way I want to ...and...express my joys and sorrows too...and because I simply love to...be on this base, in my space, this white place, exercising my very own personal w h i t e-s p a c e.

I write because it enables me to speak...loud but quietly...as a child uplifted by words...as a girl uninterrupted by plight...as a woman...undaunted by chide and not shamed by fright...

When I write...I am uninhibited & uncensored by dialogue to tug-o-war about...I own it, unadulterated and cool...self-inspired... my verbal clout.  My quietest way to scream...and..sometimes shout!!!

I write because it is just one of the things I have the highest level of confidence about me in...no troubles or worries about being alone when...I write you see...no disappointments exist when I write because...when I write...it allows me to be true about me...and...reserve my right to be right...about me...

When writing...it allows me to just BE...and...When I write...I am happy with just little ole M E.